

I went to Dublin a few weeks ago for work, and barely had any time to play tourist. I was so shattered in the evening – I walked out into the street and heard this guy playing the harp.

At that point it was the most calming music I could have heard.

I’ve just come back from another trip there. I had some time during the day so I ventured around Grafton Street, which is Dublin’s equivalent of Oxford Street.

The man on the right was teaching this boy some kind of jig. He sort of reminded me of toned down and slightly more sane Father Horan.

He gestured and yelled to others to join in, but no one did.

Then he made him do it on his own

I like taking pictures of street performers

I also went to Jersey – such a beautiful country it is. Again I didn’t get to see much of it, despite the beach being 5 minutes away : (

Random shot from a cafe

Killing time at airports can be a laborious task. Jersey airport is probably the most boring one I’ve been to. There’s hardly anything there.

Dublin airport is a little more interesting.

Who would buy these shirts though?

Some shots from my favourite park – Richmond Park!

Some lurking


Mmm smoked salmon and black pepper

Mmm olive bread. This alone is worth going to Richmond for.


I’m not a fan of these creatures

I love these animals though

This isn’t a self-portrait

This one is though

On a side note, if anyone can shed any light on why borders do not show up on pictures that are hyperlinked in WordPress, please let me know!


Brandy, James, Sandra and myself went to London Zoo to see the animals   We met in Camden.


James took his sexy new toy – the Bessa *drool* I used his macro lens (100mm/2.8) for many of the shots I took. I love that lens – when I focus correctly that is.

We watched an animal exhibition that featured these cute little creatures – meerkats. They’re so inquisitive and curious

The macaws were my favourite – they’re so colourful and extravagant and much bigger than I imagined

We’d been told not to sit on the yellow benches – not that we’d have wanted to..

The reason? Well, the macaws would fly around and perch on ropes directly above the bench and then crap on them. Nice, eh! I sat on the bench behind it hoping I wouldn’t get shat on. The others decided to play safe and sat two benches back from it. Sissies!

These birds looked incredibly fragile -  their legs were so stalky and their beaks like needles

This turtle was adorable to watch as it munched away on lettuce

A rattlesnake – its fangs are 5cm long

Pretty blue-ness

A green mamba

In one of the cabinets.. very random

Frog pr0n

More pretty blue-ness

This wasn’t actually a dead deer – it was carved out of wood.  I guess its purpose was to make things more dramatic – a real one might have done the trick better, although this was quite realistic I thought!

The gorillas were just ace

They’re so intriguing to observe.  It’s incredible how similar they are to humans

I always knew James was really an ape

Next was the aquarium

I have a phobia of worm-like creatures so when I saw this I yelped like a little girl and then proceeded to take pictures of it, naturally

This is ‘sexy shrimp’

It’s called that because it sways its abdomen as it travels – supposedly that’s sexy.

Cute camel. I wanted to touch it too : (

Apparently this is what Sandra would look like if she were a llama

My favourite animal of all – the piggy! A rather chubby one at that

The Sumatran tiger – such an elegant and beautiful animal.  It made me sad to see it locked up

These ants were impressive.  There was a system set up with ants marching along ropes with leaves

These penguins were adorable!  I love how they waddle along.

Feeding time

The penguin with feather-like things coming out of its head was hilarious – it kept taking all the food and had to be put aside by the keeper

Wild dogs fighting over a bone

This next one is dedicated to James because he loves the sight and sound of crying babies

You might be familiar with the furore these ‘I’m not a plastic bag’ bags caused.

Quite ridiculous really

Back in Camden


This guy had some hilarious dollar-sign glasses on. Unfortunately he wasn’t too keen on having his picture taken. Ah, well, at least his hair was cool too.

C’est tout : )  It was a fun day out although it does sadden me to see certain animals unable to move around much, such as birds of prey.  It’s not right to keep these animals in such an enclosed space where they can’t actually fly..   

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