

The London Marathon took place on 22nd April. My cousin was running in it but I didn’t manage to take any pictures of him : ( It’s a bit of a mission finding anyone in such a big crowd. Nevertheless, I took some random shots – they’re nothing special; it would have helped if I’d had a) a better lens and b) a better view!

So, I used my trusted 350D with the lens I’m starting to hate – 18-55mm. Too much depth of field. Horrid stuff.

Funky headgear

More funky headgear

Looks like she’d had a bit of an accident

There were a lot of patriotic outfits

People had their names on their shirts which enabled the crowd to cheer them on personally. It was very cool how the crowd were so encouraging to everyone.

Poor piggy..

A policemen pretended to join in

The weather was lovely – a bit too lovely in fact. It was one of the hottest marathons to date, so wearing this couldn’t have helped. I think the expression says it all.

A great marketing idea, eh?

I found Borat!

Is niiice.

Or not.

Looks like Superman was enjoying himself a bit too much here Eeek.

I think it’s highly courageous of all those who took part. All of the shots were taken about two miles before the end, so virtually at the end of the 26 miles..insane. Personally, I was exhausted just watching! I’m a weakling.

Completely random but from the same day

We love Tony Blair.

Wien-er IV

Here are some negscans from the roll of Kodak Plus X 125 that Sev developed (the same roll which came out of the spool during development!).  Moreover, Bernhard discovered I’d used the wrong settings on the camera so basically the shutter speed was at 90 for every single shot – essentially meaning that the exposure was incorrect throughout the roll.  Great huh!

Looking at the negs, they concluded the shots would be rubbish, but I had faith in my pictures! (as well as my editing skills..) So here we have the result (erm, with a bit of tweaking here and there but that’s besides the point).

I’ve edited the levels and converted to monochrome in some of them.  This explains the difference in tones, in case you wonder why there’s variation.  Oh, and they’re all scanned on James’ new neg scanner – very snazzy stuff.

Another one of these delicious shots. 

We went to an amusement park and I went on this ride which was basically a giant ferris wheel.  The views were quite nice. 

James and Sev went on this ride.  It was nuts and looked terrifying.  I was wearing a skirt so didn’t go on it but I wish I had now! Bit of a messy neg this one.

Mmm pizza

Window perving

Brandy eating.. McDonalds! We are a cultured bunch. Taken in the Museum Quarter.

He almost looks like he’s floating..

I’m a bit disappointed this one didn’t come out more in focus.

Sev reckons this next one is the only correctly exposed shot of the bunch ¬_¬

My sunglasses look hot on everyone.

He took this one of Miriam

This cute little boy came wandering towards us and watched us for a while – probably wondering why three people were taking his picture

Minimum editing on this next one.  You can see the tones are different..

Very evil old lady!

Now there’s a story behind this lady.. aaah old Viennese people.. what are they like.  Well, we were on the metro one night and I accidentally bumped into this woman who started nattering away in German.  I didn’t have a clue what she was saying but apparently she was complaining about foreigners.  I said sorry but that only seemed to aggravate her further.

The next evening we were on the underground again and by pure coincidence we saw her complaining to some policemen.  She probably spends her time parading the metro complaining about life.  How emo.  Although this has come out a bit rubbish,  I made sure I got a shot of her so I can always have her wonderful face in my memory haha

On the way to the darkroom I wanted to finish off the last few shots but it was quite dark for 125.  Still, it was worth a try.  Sev looking rather sceptical.. he reckoned it was too dark for this shot to come out but ha, it wasn’t!  I guess M90 came in useful here!


So, yeah, they’re not great but hey, they’re not totally fucked either I’d say!  What did I learn from this?  As Bernhard said to me – RTFM.

Yes, kids – Read The Fucking Manual.  Learn how to use your camera.

There were more shots but these were the most decent ones.  I might stick a couple more up next time, but that’s all for now

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