
Wien-er III

Vienna part 3

This wig rocks – I think everyone wore it at some point!

Sev liked the mug we got him

More wig action.  Yeahhh.

Check out the T-shirt in the top left-hand corner

We went to an Austrian restaurant because we’d eaten Japanese, Chinese, Mexican and other things, but basically nothing very Austrian!

I had this:

It’s wiener schnitzel! It tasted like KFC but it was very good. It came with this:

Although it looks like the contents of apple pie, it’s actually potato salad, and was verrrry delicious.


Brandy had this:

I’m not actually sure what it was but it was very nice indeed.

I love this next one

and this one too – it’s in mid-air! Of course I took the shot knowing it would come out like that. I gots skillz.

Blurry me

I actually owned everyone with that shot but I don’t think anyone was watching when it happened

Random tube shot

Bad boy tram graffiti

Playboy shower gel. A tad tacky perhaps?

This old man had a funky hat with feathers – I screwed up the focus a bit

Back on the train en route to Bratislava to fly home

At the airport – people still don’t understand the concept of not carrying sharp objects on board

It’s easy to forget I guess. I once flew from South Africa to the UK on the first anniversary of September 11th with a lighter-knife in my hand luggage. It wasn’t intentional – I’d simply forgotten I couldn’t carry it with me, and the competent airport security staff saw it through the x-ray, checked my bag, couldn’t find it and let me go through with it. Good job I’m not a terrorist eh!

Travel chess to pass the time. Bratislava’s airport isn’t the most interesting place in the world.

We ate

An interesting picture of a not-very-interesting airport


Back in England, the heavens open to welcome us home

Brandy kisses her little lamb that made it back in one piece

Some film shots in Part 4.. : )

Wien-er II

Vienna Part II

We really fancied some Japanese one night – Cath spotted a restaurant called Japanese Restaurant. A most original name. The food was deliciousss. In fact, all the food we had in Vienna was fab.

I had chicken teriyaki. MMM.

Sev then took us to a pub

Candle action (sorry Brandy, I know the light isn’t the most flattering, but it’s still funky!)

I tried some Jagermeister here. I’m not really into strong alcohol – I usually prefer alcoholic drinks that don’t taste of alcohol, but this was surprisingly nice ¬__¬ This is me trying it, courtesy of Sev Go check out his blog for more pics.

Funky tights eh? I’m proud of this shot actually – it’s one of the few hipshots where I’ve managed to aim correctly.

Brandy donning the granny look – sexy!

The next morning we ventured out for breakfast and had…

..a hot chocolate, some kind of yummy dessert, salami and mozzarella paninis, orange juice, and a Long Island iced tea. Yeah.

We’d seen this piece of paper somewhere else the night before and here it was again..

I think we were staying in a Jewish district – there were a lot of them around

I took some of a Jewish family one night but I must have been using the incorrect settings (as usual grr) so they came out all blurry. Ah well.

We went to Museumsquartier and to the Mumok Museum. There were some cool exhibitions in there including a very odd one that featured some, er, disturbing images to say the least! We couldn’t take pictures in there so here is a shot of the pretty lift.

That night Miriam suggested we go a Mexican place called Maredo. Again, the food was lovely – great choice Miriam!


Back at the station, some old man..

Poor guy – he got snapped by me, James and Sev all at the same time, yet didn’t seem to notice.. that’s the thing about a lot of Viennese people. They just don’t seem to realise that people are taking their picture, and if they do, they don’t really seem to care. We need more of them in London.


That night Sev took James and myself to the darkroom to develop our pictures. It was a very cool little place.

He was really focused on what he was doing, and he explained all the different processes, which I promptly forgot, but which was still interesting nonetheless!

I can see why people develop their own pictures – aside from being much cheaper, it’s quite exciting seeing it all done yourself.

The spool that had my film in came undone during developing, which has apparently never happened to Sev before in all the time he’s been developing pictures – trust that to happen eh! They still came out well I thought, although he reckoned they were rubbish :P Bernhard joined us later and he had a look at my camera – it turns out I’d actually used the M90 setting the entire time which meant the contrast wasn’t perfect. When I looked at the negs, I personally thought they looked fine! These guys are too fussy with their stuff I’m going to get the negs printed so I’ll post them in my next blog and you can see for yourself!

The next day, Brandy, Eva, James and I went to Bratislava for the day. I had printed out a list of Slovakian phrases including:

hrachova polievka (pea soup)

vsetko najlepsie k narodeninam (happy birthday)

Being the ditz that I am, I forgot these in the hotel so I never got a chance to use them

Train window view

Eva, pronounced Ay-va. Get it right.

Pink lady

Pink lady awakes and plays with pink phone

We had to pay 4 Slovakian Korunas to use the toilets at the station. That’s around 10p. Only after paying do you get given some toilet paper. The toilets were odd – they were really old and dingy and yet there were automatic taps. Very strange.

Not a whole lot happens in Bratislava. We went to a market

..and one of these shops

Hot stuff

Look – they have a Tescos! How random.

I bought some of this stuff, whatever it was. Yum.

Their toilet paper is called..

It’s odd how they sell them individually.

We decided to get Sev a mug with our faces on, so he can see us each morning and remember what wonderful people we are!

Back at the station heading back to Vienna

We tried some chocolate and banana bubble gum that we bought in Tescos. It was delicious, as you can see!

A policeman was approaching us on the train to check tickets/passports

He came over, shook his finger at me, and said ‘Photo? No, no’. I couldn’t tell whether he was joking or not. Oh well! I still love the above shot.

Back in Vienna

Eva taking a picture of some interesting graffiti. Can you make out what it is?

I love this one

These two dogs had me in stitches

It was so funny seeing them walk around like that.


Watch this space for Part III..

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