
London Scrawls Etc.

It was 18C yesterday – hotter in London than in Greece! Summer is on its way it seems – yay.

Completely unrelated to yesterday’s weather (I just felt compelled to share my excitement about the sunshine), here are some random shots.

On a wall in Neal’s Yard – full-view it I’d be lying if I said the focus wasn’t intentional.

Anyone for emo sex?

What every Londoner needs to do. Desperately.

This one was taken outside a really tiny barber’s place. We stood there for a while – I’m pretty sure he must have noticed us in the reflection there haha. Poor guy – can’t be left in peace for a haircut.

I like this next one and I’m not quite sure why… The guy was sitting there in some kind of gallery, eating – all on his own. Odd. Yay for reflections.

Prince Charles has a new ‘career’ modelling some rather expensive suits

I just found these shots of Meera

She was telling us a rather embarrassing and hilarious story here (I won’t give away any details!) and being the crazy girl that she is, she couldn’t have us looking at her face while she told it. So she found various objects to hide behind, regardless of whether she had a camera aimed at her or not. Meera’s a nutter, which is why we get on so well I guess! I do love this girl

In some random news, Yahoo’s You Witness site has used some of my Chinese New Year shots. I’ve heard mixed things regarding this. Some people seem to be against the idea of submitting shots to these kind of ‘citizen journalists’ sites where people are essentially giving away the rights to their pictures, for nothing. I don’t personally see why that’s a problem – I mean sure, you don’t get paid, but it’s about the exposure as far as I’m concerned. I’m not fussed about not getting paid – it’s why I have a ‘proper’ full-time job!

Hopefully some film shots to come next time..

Stop The War

Stop The War protests, London – 24th Feb 2007

According to the BBC organisers, 60,000 people turned up in London for the anti-war demos:

I have to say, the turnout was surprising. It wasn’t publicised much, but I suppose any protest organised by the Stop The War Coalition is bound to be a big one.

It was a colourful protest – shame about the heavy rain though. It was the first time since I was stuck in a monsoon in India that I’d shot in rain. Not a particularly nice experience, especially when it’s cold and muddy. Still, I love protests, so that wasn’t too much of a problem.

I used 3 (!) lenses – 18-55, 50 and 100mm. Two is usually hard enough for me to swap between, so you can only imagine how confused I was having three at my disposal. On a side note, changing a lens in the rain smoothly is a hard, hard skill.

Judging by these placards still untouched, I wasn’t expecting a big crowd

The following shots were taken as people segregated at Hyde Park, before the march

Clearly a Prince Harry supporter:

She’s got to be off deviantArt right?

This one definitely is!

There are always a lot of people trying to sell newspapers or hand out leaflets

A policeman and his rather big toy

Music is always a good thing at protests

The Hare Krishna lot turned up with lots of music and food

That actually says ‘Trident’

This next shot also has the word ‘Trident’ cut off

This guy’s hat was cut off – I wasn’t tall enough to get it all in the shot. Ah well, it was still cool in reality, even if it looks shite here

Some drummers entertained the crowds. The lens got rain on it which explains the blurriness on the left

I want these earmuffs

Some people gave out positive messages

I thought this was a cool image – definitely one of the more imaginative ones

The third one was in the back

This woman was adorable!

Mr. Blair was kind enough to make an appearance

So was Bin Laden

Too bad about the focus, but to be fair, this guy was moving around so fast. I asked if I could get a shot of him and he took off his mask, and said in a cockney accent ‘What paper are you from?’. Me – ‘I’m not’. Him – ‘Oh, ok’. He put his mask back on, looked towards me for a couple of seconds, and started walking again.

Someone always has to ruin the shot

Muslims praying in Hyde Park


We decided to go to Trafalgar Sqaure where the protest was headed

On the way, the police had blocked the road to the US Embassy

At the Square, the protest had a while to arrive, so it was pretty empty

This couple were snogging for ages. They stood in the centre of the square for a long, long time.

Whoops, she caught me spying. Or perving. Erm

The protest arrives.

Spot the Deviant!

The Stop The War protests always seem to really be a chance for people to demonstrate about whatever they want – Palestine, Climate Change, Nuclear Weapons, and in this case, the BBC

It’s good to see both the young and old out there!

It was a good protest, although I couldn’t stay for all of it. Oh, and remember this guy on the left? At a pro-Palestine event last year he proposed to me (yes, a random stranger), asking me if I would convert to Islam and inviting me over to his house. In fact, it was the old man in the shot (his father) who invited me to their home, and started to tell me how rubbish Hindiusm is, and how Islam is the way to go. (I won’t get into a rant or delve into this further here but let’s say these kind of proposals are not rare by such people. Think whatever you will). Anyway, I saw them at the protest again I was sure to give them a dirty look before walking away.

I haven’t converted any shots to b&w – I decided to keep them all in colour and have edited as little as possible (mainly because it’s late, I’m tired, and I’m too lazy. Oh, and converting to b&w seems so..fake).

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