Today I went to the Chinese New Year celebrations in London – it was brilliant. There was such a vibrant and colourful atmosphere. The Chinese definitely know how to hold a festival!
First up was a parade.

This girl didn’t seem too amused.

It’s the year of the pig, in case you don’t know : )

I thought that was a pretty scary looking pig.

The parade got incredibly crowded and we found ourselves stuck in a mass of people, so we moved onto China Town.
This boy was talking on the phone and when he saw me aiming my camera at him he stopped and smiled sarcastically – bless.

This is some kind of Chinese dessert. I have no idea what it is but they were calling it Chinese Beard. I suppose it does look a bit like that!

Pretty piggies..

..and paper dragons

There were many stalls selling various food such as fish balls..

..and spring rolls mmm

and Chinese coffee (I forget the name)..

..and snails. Hm.

We celebrated Chinese New Year by eating in a Japanese restaurant 

This was pad Thai noodles with shrimp and chicken. I think. Oh, and I can finally use chopsticks properly. Go me!
We passed these two guys who looked like they were on a break, and I took a shot of them.

They started giggling and looked all embarrassed :D

There were lots of these kind of dragons that danced to the sound of drums and cymbals

This little boy was one of the performers – he looked like a little rocker haha

The dragons went around China Town dancing into shops which had lettuce hanging in the doorway.

The dragon would ‘eat’ the lettuce..

and then throw it back into the shop.

Yes, I know – the focus is on the dragon instead of the people in the shop ¬__¬ Argh!

Apparently lettuce symbolises money, and the ritual takes place for good luck. Correct me if I’m wrong though!
Happy snappers

This boy seemed far from happy though

Some shopkeepers hung the lettuce from their window

It was fun watching this woman – she seemed petrified of the dragon

Lots of happy snappers!

So many people turned up this year, that all the entrances to China Town were blocked for a while.

It was definitely a great day out
Someone was clearly bored though.

Next year is the year of the Rat – that’s me!
All shots taken using the 350D, most with the 35mm lens
< rant>
From the moment I stepped out of the house today, I knew it was going to be one of those days. I took the day off work yesterday (cold, fever, dizziness, that kind of thing). I felt much better this morning, and woke up bright and early. The sun was shining, and it was rather pleasant outside. I was happy.
As I neared the train station I suddenly felt like my left heel had gone down a hole. I carried on walking and thought that unless the road was filled with successive holes that were only affecting my left foot, something was wrong. Then it dawned on me.. I looked down and lo and behold, the heel had just snapped. I stood in the street contemplating what to do. I mean, what do you do in that situation? Shuffle all the way to work with an obviously broken shoe while people snigger away and have that ‘haha-her-heel-has broken-that-will-teach-her-to-wear-heels’ look? Hell no. I stood in the street with a bag in each hand (why do I always have so many bags?), my skirt flapping away in the wind (why do I always wear a skirt when it’s windy?), my ipod on the floor for some reason (I guess the shock of the broken heel made me drop it) and a look of ‘oh’ on my face. Thank you to the guy who walked past me laughing. You made my day.
I limped back home, changed shoes and hurried back to the station in a fluster. I’d obviously missed the train by then so I had to wait for the next one which is doubly packed as rush hour starts to really kick in.
When I got on the Northern Line (the WORST of all the lines as anyone who has to take it knows), as per usual I had to stand. This was fine – I stand every day. However, the driver was the type that jerks the train as it pulls into every station. No nice smooth transition to a stop, but a full-on, 50mph-to-0-in-one-second stop. I had to endure being flung like this 11 times to Moorgate. Not funny in heels, especially when sandwiched in between two large men and unable to hold on to anything.
To top it off, as I went up the stairs at Moorgate, a kind woman clipped the back of my shoe, causing me to trip while said shoe tumbled down the stairs and got lost in a sea of people walking up the stairs. I spent the next 5 minutes battling against the miserable commuters (of which I was one, admittedly) as I attempted to walk back down the stairs in search of my shoe.
After getting into work, things became much calmer, until I decided to spend my lunch hour in the gym. I thought it’d be a great idea to go to the Bodytone class, which involves various exercises to, well.. tone the body. On a side note, why is everyone at that gym so perfectly toned? I’m not on the large side, but I felt pretty damn frumpy compared to everyone else in that class. If you’re already perfectly toned, why go to the Bodytone class! Go away, please.
The class was actually pretty refreshing, except I couldn’t walk after it, and my cold had suddenly returned with a vengeance. I could barely breathe, and I had 5 minutes to shower and get changed before going to a meeting on the other side of London. Joy!
The meeting was fine, except for the constant stream of snot, and light headed-ness from having eaten nothing all day.
I got back to the office at 3:30 when I finally got to have lunch. By this time my voice had deteriorated and snot was something I was getting used to. So much so, that I almost didn’t realise when it made an appearance.
I was meant to go out with work colleagues for ‘team drinks’ tonight, which had been planned way in advance so that everyone could make it, but here I am, at home, snot-faced, with achy muscles – feeling, and probably looking, like a granny.
Since this is meant to be some kind of photoblog, here is my ruined shoe in all its broken glory.

Mmm..depth of field. I do love the 50mm 1.8 (when I can focus correctly, that is).

The ironic thing is, I almost always wear trainers in to work and then change there..
Going back home, I thought the ambient sounds of Air or Zero 7 would provide me with a nice peaceful and calming soundtrack. Typically, I’d cleared out all the music on my iPod two days ago and I must have been in some kind of emo mood when I did so. I had to make do with the likes of Korn and RATM. The only calm-ish song I had was ‘Sneaker Pimps – 6 underground’. Whyyy. Oh and to top the day off, it began bucketing down as soon as I left the station to come home this evening. Wonderful!
Tomorrow should be a much better day. We have netball. Hopefully we’ll beat our record score of 13-3. That’s 13 to the other team. No joke. I won’t even mention our worst score.
< /rant>
I haven’t taken many pictures lately. Well, I *had*, except that I’d loaded film in incorrectly, which meant I took 36 pictures without realising that none of them would come out. Oh, it’s just going swimmingly isn’t it.
So here are a few random digital shots I’ve taken recently.
I love Nandos.

They have the BEST olives. I don’t even usually like olives.

I watched The Last King of Scotland last weekend, which was very good indeed. Forest Whitaker is excellent as Idi Amin. My mum was born in Uganda and my granddad was a shoemaker there. He actually made army shoes for Amin and the whole of the Ugandan army. Kinda funny how Amin then kicked him and all the other Asians out. Anyway, my mum was telling me stories about what happened during that time. It’s weird to think that if Amin hadn’t done what he did, I’d probably be a Ugandan as my mum wouldn’t have been forced to leave the country.
Anyway, it’s a much recommended movie.
Lastly, check these shots out.
That’s all for now – hopefully more pictures to come soon, and less of the ranting.