
After 5 months..

..I have some film shots back. Yes, it really took me 5 months to finish off that roll. Shame on me. Here are a few.

All Superia 200 – Nikon EM

It’s the Haw again! This is him on Remembrance Sunday, having a quiet moment to himself. I approached him to say hello and he nodded and smiled, but I left him alone. He probably thinks I’m stalking him.

Taken on the same day in the Field Of Remembrance, where crosses were laid in memory of those who died in the war.

Squirrels are so cute.

They don’t love me like they love him though.

This shot confused me when I saw it – it was meant to be of the CCTV cams but it looks like it’s been double exposed. Then I realised that the train is in fact in the reflection of the window. It was pitch black outside hence the strong reflection, which I wasn’t expecting! Anyway it probably doesn’t look so great but I liked how it turned out kind of abstract.

On the Tube..nothing special. Street-type shots should really be in b&w.

Craig still doesn’t know how to tie a tie so Gill had to do it for him. He also hates having his picture taken. He’s not photogenic he says. I have to agree.

He took a shot of me which was completely out of focus. He said it did it purposely as the blur makes my complexion look better

It’s sad when you want to finish off a roll and have nothing to take pictures of but yourself.

There’s a narcissist in all of us.

More shots to come..

In other news, all the way over in San Francisco, Mr. pr3d4t0r saw this car and chased it
to get a shot for me

In case you don’t know, my IRC name is ‘censored’. I so want that number plate.

Oh, and if you haven’t seen Spike Lee’s documentary on Hurricane Katrina – When The Levees Broke – you really should try to. It’s probably the best documentary I’ve ever seen. It’s filmed in such a poignant way..well, you just have to see it. Brilliant stuff.


So, it’s that festive time of the year which those of us who are working either dread, or look forward to in glee, knowing that alcohol will be flowing freely on company expenses and that it’s the one chance Mr. Finance might have to snog Miss HR and get away with it.

I was asked to take some snaps at an Xmas do – a workmate who did it last year is out of the country and asked if I could do it instead, so I thought why not? It’s something I’ve never really done before and it’s not really my style but I figured I may as well give it a go!

The guests were mostly men (due to the nature of their work). I took over 500 pictures Here are some of them.

Some of the guests as they were coming in..

I found these masks hilarious, although slightly creepy

This guy was so small, cute and bubbly – I talked to him later and I just wanted to pinch his cheeks!

There was a reindeer.

He really didn’t want me to take a picture of him. Things changed once he was drunk though. That’s something that was very apparent – people are so self-conscious until they start drinking. I’ve never been the only sober one amongst a group of tipsy party goers. It’s always amusing watching drunk people behave..well.. drunk.

This guy was pretty cool.

Converted to b&w.. just because. I’m going off on a tangent here, but recently I’ve really begun to find converting colour digi shots to b&w as looking so..fake. It’s absolutely nothing compared to shooting in b&w film. I’ve always known this but now it’s just become more apparent to me. I mean look at the shot – the tones seem so..blah. Yes, I could spend hours in GIMP (sorry to all you Photoshop lovers – I’m a GIMP girl) making it look ‘authentic’ but I’m not going to. I’m going to try and get in the habit of not converting to b&w. That’ll force me to use film more!

Some of the girlies – loved these masks.

Some men in kilts. One of them asked if I wanted him to lift his one up. I said sure and got my camera ready – I guess he got shy.

As I took this shot he shouted out ‘Fuck this company! I hate it!’

He wasn’t the only one who took a picture of me – some of them asked if they could have their picture with me, like Carmello.

He taught me some Italian swear words, which I promptly forgot.

This guy found my camera fascinating.

He asked if he could take a look so I let him. Note for future – never give a drunk person your camera. He started to take pictures and wouldn’t stop – it didn’t help that I had burst mode on.

I think he captured me at my best! Haha

This guy saw me take a picture of his bandmate and asked me whether he wasn’t pretty enough for me to take a picture of him, so I did, just to make him happy.

Notice the reflection of the flash there..very professional eh!

This man was so hilarious – I think I took the most pictures of him. He constantly cracked me up.


He won an award for the best mask or something. I just noticed the Maggie Simpson mask in the background – full view it!

The lovely Laura – the only person I actually knew there prior to the event.

There was a piggy! It was a tad scary though to be honest..

This man with the pink tie – Ian – he was one of the first people to arrive and I wasn’t sure if he was a member of the venue staff so I asked him. He seemed pretty offended and I had to explain that if anything it was a compliment as all the staff seemed really smart! When I left he happened to be walking in the same direction and we had a nifty conversation. He forgave me I did have a drunk-looking shot of him, but he was a cool guy, so I thought I’d post a decent shot, just in case he reads this. Wouldn’t want to offend him again!

The hilarious guy again

and again

and again. I could have photographed him all night. Actually, I did.

This one asked me not to sell any pictures of him on Ebay. I told him it”ll be hard to resist..I mean..what a shot. That’s bound to make me some £££!

Then he asked me if I needed a ride home I think he was the one needing a ride home.

This guy was petrified of the camera. He asked me to pause before I took this picture. He took out that flask and then said he was ready.

This one asked me to take a picture of him as he posed. When he found out Carmello was in the background he got really annoyed at him, and moved over to a wall where he posed again. Then he went to the window and posed again.

I have so many other pictures but it’s a mission to trawl through 500 of them and then resize, edit, blah blah. It was a great experience though. It’s not what I’m used to; technically, I’d rarely use flash but I had no choice here. I’d also prefer focusing manually but that wasn’t really possible with the dim lighting.

I love talking to people, so that also made it easier, even if it felt a bit intimidating to begin with. One of the most important things I found was making people like you and making them want to be photographed. It was initially a bit odd as I was an outsider, and strangers can be very conscious and reluctant to let you take their picture, but once they were drunk (10 minutes later), the task was much easier

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