
City Workers

Just some of the people who have the pleasure of working with me

Jeremy at his desk, looking rather suave

Paul : )

Ben, slightly suspicious of my camera ¬__¬

Nic – with what looks like half an arm




Laura and Romana

Ben and his catalogue pose. Gorgeous eh!

Anne-Marie joins in

JonAndrea trying to act sexy


..showing off his tongue. No comment

He took this picture of me and Anne-Marie

Craig, my favourite colleague of all! <3<3<3

That was sarcasm.


Er, took a whole bunch of other pics – with some major focussing issues. Oh well

The Tesla Testament

Eugenio aka the pr3d4t0r was in town a few weeks ago
Here he is signing my copy of The Tesla Testament, where I’m mentioned in the acknowledgement section. I feel so famous.

How’s that for some advertising!

It’s a great book by the way : )

Met up with Stephane (stephmw) as well.

Two very lovely guys indeed. I don’t know how they ever put up with my constant pestering in ##java on Freenode, the ultimate for geeks : )

A big shout out to all the other ##java and #xjava boffins who have ever helped me. Your help is/was always appreciated. Thank you!

Keep up the geekness. <3 :8)

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