
Food glorious food

My mate Min had a few of us over for dinner – she’s such a brilliant cook

I helped her make some filo pastries, filled with a delicious mixture had goat’s cheese, fried onions, parsley, red wine, and some other stuff in it..seriously..rated 10 for sure on the drool-factor scale!

She took some shots of me filling the pastries – evidence that I can do something worthwhile in the kitchen!

I love watching someone unaccustomed to SLRs try and use one – a lot of the shots were completely out of focus!

The dinner itself was traditional Indian – nothing quite like good home-made Indian food. Only eating with hands was allowed!

Natasha reckons it’s easier to eat with chopsticks

She calls roti tortillas

Adam had an interesting way of eating as well – piling stuff onto the papad (or poppadums as they’re more commonly called)

We had the best wine ever, which Min had brought back from Japan – I’m not usually a fan of wine, but this was heavenly

Ume wine, or plum wine, and no, those aren’t giant olives, but plums, soaked with alcohol. MMM

We played Cranium – the BEST boardgame around

Eleni made some scrumptious (I love that word) almond and cinnamon biscuits.

Tea and biscuits – had to be done.
We ate so much, I can’t blame Eleni for falling asleep

Yes, the focus is screwed. I blame wine.

I love taking shots of food with the 50mm – Im sure there’ll be more to come.

Published III

Published I

Published II

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