I love walking around London at night. I took my sexy 50mm f1.8 lens with me :D

The Houses of Parliament look much better in reality at night than what I’ve managed to capture here! We were just in time; after midnight the lights were turned off.

A bench opposite Parliament..

..it says ‘I love you sweety’. There’s too much not enough depth of field, I know.

Mmm :D

Went to see Brian Haw.

The last time I took a shot of him, he didn’t seem too chatty – in fact he appeared to be somewhat annoyed. This time was completely the opposite; he was really friendly and I had a conversation with him about the ‘arseholes’ in Parliament as he put it, and how he has received racial abuse. It’s pretty courageous of him to be spending each and every minute of the day in Parliament Square, as he’s been doing for the last 5 years.

On Saturday a protest was held in Trafalgar Square regarding the deaths of prisoners in UK prisons.
There were placards with the names of those who had died.

By contrast, at the same time Ken Livingstone was giving a speech in Trafalgar Square as well, to commemorate Eid.
He definitely got more attention from the media.

Some graffiti artists near Southbank

I noticed this guy getting out of a cab

Then I noticed a small film crew filming him.
On Oxford Street a few people walked past holding a mini protest

I don’t think many people really noticed them.

Shooting people from windows, shooting people through windows..er something like that :o I took this shot from a bus – it’s noisy, I know ¬__¬

I do love shooting from windows – I guess I feel ‘safer’ doing so – knowing that my subjects can’t really tell me to stop shooting them ;) I’ll submit some in my next entry.
That’s all for now!
Some recent, random stuff..
The 50mm f1.8 is a heavenly lens. Oooh yeahh. (It really makes me say that)

Just look at the DOF! Ahhh
I’ve been learning how to play poker. I’m going to become a gambling addict.
I felt rich holding this

Unfortunately it wasn’t mine. My cousin won that on Saturday, but that was after losing £700. I lost £50 : ( I’m going to make it back next time though ;)
I still haven’t been on these slides at the Tate Modern.

The queues were apparently 2 hours long that day. I have better things to do with my time! Like..gamble :D

Playing around some more with my new toy aka 50mm f1.8 lens

So, the Church of Scientology is taking over the world. They’ve bought a six-storey building in London, and engraved ‘Church of Scientology’ into it. They’re clearly here to stay.

I went in and spoke to a scarily chirpy woman who told me they’d recently bought the building. Hm.. I don’t know how to feel about that, but I can’t say I’m too enthralled by the prospect of having a large Church of Scientology presence over here.
I love the Bargehouse in Southbank. It’s an old building full of character that contains a photography exhibition.

Not sure exactly what was going on here but the Navy were putting on some kind of show in Trafalgar Square

I took that shot from the steps of the National Gallery. It was bucketing down – horrid, horrid weather.
The weather is extremely depressing, and my navel piercing looks like it’s going to get rejected a SECOND time, because it’s looser than it was originally, making me feel even more depressed. I’m not the sort to get upset by material things at all, but for some reason my navel piercing is precious to me! I have to see my piercer about it to determine whether it’s just settling in and migrating temporarily or whether it looks like it will indeed reject completely like it did the first time. I still have a scar from then, and I’m still not completely over it. The thought of having another scar there is just blah : (
Why would it even reject? The first time I’m certain it was rejected because I changed the barbell before it was 100% healed up – I was told I could take it out after 6 weeks when it should have been 6 months.. this time it’s been pierced behind scar tissue which should actually keep it in better, and I’m not allergic to any kind of metal. I’ve been looking after it well, and I’m not obese (apparently navel rejection is more common in fat girls :o). So whyyy should this happen? Hmph, I’ll have to wait and see what the outcome is once Mr Piercer has examined it. Damnit. :(
Some hot chocolate would definitely cheer me up

I actually took this in a coffee shop in India. Coffee over there is pretty much just as expensive as it is here which struck me as a little odd. I guess it’s only for the Indian upper class.
I haven’t finished writing about India yet – watch this space for Chapter 5..
This weekend I’m finishing off a roll of film – it’s been so long since I last used the EM that I don’t even remember what film is in it..I think it’s colour though ¬_¬