


Isn’t this the coolest radio ever??


It’s a pig USB radio – and you twist it’s curly tail at the back to control the volume – how cool is that!

In case you don’t know, I have a strange affinity to pigs.

In other news, a man was murdered near where I live..

Sign of Death

It always makes me sad when I see flowers left tied to a post, or in this case, traffic lights – unfortunately it’s not uncommon.

Slightly less depressing..don’tcha love baby pics? I found a whole bunch of pictures of me as a baby :o

This was actually one of the less horrendous ones. My mum would make me pose in the most tacky and cliched ways – no one needs to see those :)

Not much to say about this next one

I like taking pictures on trains, although it’s hard to do so without anyone noticing. I’ve taken a few film shots on the Tube – it’ll probably be a month or so before I finish that roll though!

I have a heap of photos but I’m too lazy to resize and upload them all, so that is all for now.

I’m going to India in a few days – just for a week, so watch out for an update then : )

Yoga Cemetery Man

As mentioned in my last journal, here’s the Yoga-in-a-cemetery Tai-Chi-In-A-Cemetery man (thank you JavaGeek for the correction!) I’m not sure what the cemetery is called – but it’s not far from Old Street.
He walked to the middle of the park area, took off his hat and began to practice Yoga Tai Chi.

Yoga man

I wanted to get closer but didn’t want him to notice me shooting him, so all I managed to get were low-quality shots.

Cemeteries are interesting.

Taken on the same day..big fat chips :D

They weren’t too great though – afterwards I felt like I’d drunk a big glass of grease.

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