
<3 EM

I got a roll of film (apx 100) back last week. I’m not shooting with film as much as I really want to – and I think I’d benefit with some more practice! I only realised that when my Nikon EM beeps as I’m about to take a shot, I should use a lower F stop which would mean that shots wouldn’t come out under/over exposed, like in the following picture of Brian Haw.

Brian Haw

Brian has been protesting for the past five years in Parliament Square, against the war in Iraq. He was surprisingly moody when I tried to strike up a conversation, and he simply grunted what sounded like a ‘yep’ when I asked if I could take a shot. He carried on reading the paper as I took it.

I took some shots of Rahul – he’s a cutie.


But very cheeky ¬__¬


I haven’t yet blogged about Swami Ramdev. He’s basically a prolific Indian Yoga guru who came to the UK for the first time to conduct workshops for the general public. He has a history surrounded by controversy and his classes cost as much as £500. The cheapest tickets were £70. It was pretty ridiculous – and people were treating him like a god, rushing up to him at the end and trying to touch him. I was asked by the Hindu Voice to take some shots at one of his workshops in Ilford, London. These can be found here.

Read about the price fiasco here.

I took some shots with the EM of the crowd.

This guy had been sitting in the same position for quite a while, and seemed oblivious to what was going on around him.

He approached me at one point asking if I could send him some pictures, but I think I’ve lost his email address :(

I’m writing this during my lunchbreak so I’ll post some other FM shots later when I’ve scanned them at home.

Ooo, yesterday I was in a cemetery with James near where I work – a man started to do Yoga near where we were sitting. Why do odd things always happen in cemeteries? If you don’t know about my cemetery-karate-man story, basically one time in Brompton Cemetery (in Earl’s Court), I saw a man practicing karate amongst the gravestones – it was a completely surreal sight.

Karate man

He had blindfolded himself, and I went closer and figured he could hear me, so I thought that to be polite, I’d ask if it was OK to take shots of him. He initially seemed a tad pissed off, but then asked me if I’d like him to pose :o I asked if he could do some backflips – I didn’t think that was too much to ask! He couldn’t do that on concrete though.


I don’t remember what film I used for those two shots.

I finished off a colour film that day as well – hm, Kodak I think ¬__¬

I noticed this guy being stalked by a squirrel. His expression was hilarious – I think he was genuinely freaked out.

Stalked by a squirrel

Yes, the strangest things happen in cemeteries. I’ll post the cemetery-Yoga-man shots later.

The Indian Wedding

Last week I went to an Indian wedding.

I’m related to the groom – well, when I say related, the groom is my cousin’s husband’s cousin. With Indians, even your uncle’s wife’s cousin’s uncle’s sister-in-law’s cousin is considered a relative.

Bride and groom during the traditional ceremony:

Bride & groom

I don’t really know the significance of many of the rituals that go on during the traditional part of Indian weddings. I don’t think anyone does really. I think the above shot was them just posing for shots though.

The food was lovely


An Indian wedding wouldn’t be complete without dancing

I wish the shot below had come out clearer – the two little girls are Angelisa and Tara.

I have no idea who these men are, but one of them came up to me and hugged me. I just smiled and pretended I knew who he was. That’s the other thing about Indian weddings – they’re so easy to gatecrash because no one actually knows who’s who.

Speaking of gatecrashing weddings, at one point a girl came up to me (well, she looked about my age) and said she was from another wedding next door and had noticed the music in this wedding, and was wondering if it was OK for her to come and dance with us. I said ‘sure’. She then told me she had never danced at a wedding before and was wondering if I could go up with her. I thought it was a tad strange but agreed. After a minute or so of awkward dancing, she said she didn’t know how to dance because she’d never been to this kind of event before :| I realised later that the wedding next door was a Muslim wedding. Music/dancing isn’t allowed there.

I was harrased by a shemale. Well, everyone called her a shemale.


She saw me taking a picture of her and winked at me, and held out her hand gesturing for me to dance with her. I thought I’d play along and took up her offer. She threw me around like a ragdoll. I was scared.

Angelisa is a cutie – she was the only one on the dancefloor at one point. I think she watches too many Bollywood movies though :P


C’est tout. :)

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