
Dead rats

A few weeks ago, a bunch of photographers from DeviantArt met up here in London. We walked around taking pictures of wonderful things such as squishy dead rats on the bank of the Thames.

Dead rat on the bank of the Thames

Lovely, eh? :D (I really don’t like the emotes on here)

We climbed to the top of Monument, and I surprised myself by only tripping up the stairs once – woo!

View from the top of Monument

I liked this sticker, although I wish I’d used a lower F stop so the buildings in the background are more visible.

Weird Love

Back at the bottom of Monument, it was good to see a guy working with angles with his shots!

It's all about the angles baby

We got harrassed by a security guard near the London Eye who looked at our cameras and assumed we had professional gear (apparently size matters!). He told us we had to leave and couldn’t take pictures of the people queuing up (but apparently with a compact digi this would have been fine), which we weren’t really doing anyway. He was a funny-looking guy; I was tempted to take a shot of him but didn’t think that would go down too well.

London Eye

: )


The Travel Photographer Of The Year Exhibition near the London Eye is pretty good. I liked this guy’s hair. He’s clearly an art student :P

Travel Photographer Of The Year Exhibition

This woman seemed lost in her own thoughts

This shot is not representative of the meet! It demonstrates my fantastic ability to make good times appear rubbish.

James touching up a roll of Apx 100

Brian took this shot of me using my Nikon EM, with Apx 100 film


I’ve finally finished that roll of film so I’ll be posting some of those pictures later.

It was great hanging out with other deviants – I hadn’t met most of the people there before, but it was a lovely experience, and I look forward to seeing many of them again.


R.I.P. HP R707

I have a 350D! That’s right – I have my very own DSLR :D Finallyyy.

The first thing I did with it is pose in front of the mirror, naturally.

Tanya Nagar

This means… no more compact digi!

R.I.P HP R707 – you will be missed. Not.

The above could well be the last shot I ever took with it – the thought!

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