
Pride 2009

Pride London – July 4th 2009

Another year, another Pride.  I love the atmosphere here.  Everyone is just so friendly and happy, and the great weather definitely helps.

He (or should I say she?)  jokingly told me he’d sue me if he saw his picture in a magazine.  When I said he looked lovely he said “aw thank you darling” and posed without a question :)

Smallest dog ever:

It was so tiny and light!  It kept barking at something behind me as I tried to take a picture, and its owner said “it doesn’t like drag queens”.

It was barking at these two:

Everyone wanted a picture with him..

.. including me!

I remember this one from last year.

The actual parade was starting at 1pm, but I had to leave around 11:30 as I had to get ready to go to a friend’s wedding.  So I only managed to stay here for around an hour and so these images are really just a snapshot of the whole thing.

I headed back to the station as more and more people were arriving.

Fun times!  It’s one of those events where no one has a problem being photographed; on the contrary people love it, which makes it great to shoot.

Cheers for looking : )


Pride 2008 –

Pride 2007 –

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