
Andy and Andre

The tennis season is one of the highlights of summer for me, as sad as that might sound : )

When I was younger I was obsessed with tennis players, and even today, when it’s time for Wimbledon, I get pretty excited.

Earlier this summer I decided to venture down to Queen’s Club in West Kensington, London, on a Sunday, to watch some qualifying matches for the Queen’s tournament, which is the tournament preceding Wimbledon.

To my surprise, the hotness that is Andy Roddick was practicing with none other than Andre Agassi! This is where I might sound much like a fanatical teenybopper, but I absolutely adore Andy Roddick, and not just because he’s rather buff. He has one of the fastest serves in the game and he’s been ranked no. 1 in the world, so he ain’t just a pretty face – this boy has talent!

So after my initial shock and almost fainting at the realisation that Andy was just a few metres away from me, perving commenced ¬__¬

Luckily for me, (but unluckily for him :P), James was with me so I used his 75-300mm lens i.e. pervy lens as I like to call it. I’d never used a telezoom lens before and I was mesmerised with it. Now that is one lens I have to get.

Andre Agassi was great to watch.

It was interesting seeing them both interact on the court as friends rather than competitors as you see during a match.

Tongues are hip

I spoke to him briefly and asked if I could take a close up shot, but trust my luck – I got the focus completely wrong.

It didn’t matter though; I was still happy! It was quite a surreal day.

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