
Carnaval Del Pueblo

Carnaval Del Pueblo, 2007 – London

Last weekend was Carnaval Del Pueblo – Europe’s biggest Latino festival. It was so much fun! The weather was pretty Latino as well.

During preparations

The guy below seemed annoyed I was taking his picture – he was babbling in Spanish and all I heard was ‘fhsdfhsf camera fhisddfwer’. From his tone I don’t think he was too happy. Oops.

The man below was very cool – he was showing me various moves.

He took off his glasses and posed again : )

Hm, focus is a little off but he’s still cute!

I was mean to this guy. He couldn’t get his trousers done up and I thought it was a pretty funny sight so I loitered around hoping I could get a better snap. The poor man was embarrassed and went behind a trailer

How funky is this body paint?

The guy rocked – he did some jumps for me!

It’s funny how photographers all love to take the same pictures.

As per usual, there was a large police presence

How they wore these costumes in 30 degree heat, I have no idea.

The procession began

Can you spot me in the reflection?

And here too.

Some funky moves


I love body paint.

It was quite amusing – they hadn’t blocked the entire road off so the opposite side of the street was full of cars at a standstill. People weren’t very impressed.

Ahh there’s too much reflection here to see the woman properly, but she looked super annoyed.

This man looked incredibly fed up so I tried to sneak a picture, but he saw me and started laughing.

Pissed off bus driver

Coach driver decided to take his own pictures

This guy came right up close to me and started flamenco dancing around me. He was so close I had to step back to get him in focus. I like this shot.

Hm, you can’t see it too well here, but these shoes must have been ridiculous to walk in. There was a whole group of them wearing them.


I was surprised they were allowed to do that so close to the public but it was pretty good stuff!

How cruel to dress a baby in this in the sweltering heat

And.. that’s it!

A long blog yet again – so thanks if you got to the end! I took so many pics I didn’t even bother looking through them all properly or else it would have taken forever and I don’t have the patience

I want to go to South America.

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